Editing your membership offerings in the Withfriends app or in Shopify admin

How to customize your membership tiers, add images, and edit the description

To edit your membership offerings, follow these steps:

Edit your memberships in the Withfriends App

  1. Go to the Membership Tiers tab in the app.

  2. From there, you can change the name of the tier, set the monthly price, add customization options, and more.

  3. You can also go to the Advanced Options tab and click on the Tiers section to find more ways to edit your membership offerings

Edit your memberships in Shopify Admin

  1. Alternatively, click on "Edit in Shopify" to make changes directly in Shopify

  2. Specifically, you can add multiple images to your membership tiers, customize the description, or remove the auto-generated description.

  3. To add multiple images, simply click on the "Add" button under Media and select as many images as you want. The first image will be used by the Withfriends app for upsells, and will be replaced if you later edit the image in the Withfriends app. The other images will not be replaced.

Option 1: Customize our automatic description

  1. By default, we keep your description up to date automatically, as long as this box is checked.

2. You can customize our automated description by editing the text above and below the horizontal lines. But anything between the lines will be overwritten.

3. Here's how our automated description works:

Option 2: Remove our automatic description (Advanced)

1. To take full control of the language on your product page, uncheck "Keep description in sync automatically".

2. Now you can edit the description however you would like. Nothing will be overwritten.

3. However, if you make changes to your tiers and benefits, they won't be reflected in your product page automatically. If you uncheck this, you must remember to keep the product page description up to date with your membership offerings.

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